HerStory -- Worte der Frauen der Ägyptischen Revolution

Erstes Video: Sanaa Seif, 17 Jahre alt, Schülerin
HerStory Egypt
Aida El-Kashef

Das mehrteilige Videoprojekt "Video Messages: Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution" aus Kairo lässt Frauen zu Wort kommen, die an den jüngsten Aufständen in Ägypten beteiligt waren und sind.

"Herstory to remind History: She was there, she is there and she will always be there."

Eine Beschreibung des Projektes findet sich unter www.indiegogo.com/herstory-egypt

Video Messages: Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution

Herstory to remind History: She was there, she is there and she will always be there.

Our Story

The participation of women in the Egyptian revolution didn’t come as a surprise to us, nor do we view it as an extraordinary phenomenon.

Women are part of every society and form a part of the social, political and economical spectrum. It is history that tends in most cases to ostracize the participation of women and keep them in the shadow while highlighting the participation of men and attributing leading roles exclusively to them. This is why we want to document and share Her-story.

This project intends to shed the light on the participation of women and to document their experiences as part of the historical memory of the Egyptian revolution. It is also a tool for women empowerment everywhere and a source for researchers, students and everyone interested in the matter.

The investigation for the filming aspires to cover a variety of women from all spectrums of the Egyptian society and different regions in Egypt. The investigation will be continuous and work hand in hand with the filming crew. Our objective is to produce a minimum of two messages per week and make them available on the website as soon as they are done. So far the videos will be subtitled in English and Spanish, and we are working on covering other languages.

Each short video will be similar to a "profile" of each woman: her life/work before the revolution, her participation in the revolution and where she and her work stand today.

As soon as we get enough funding to cover the initial expenses of the equipment, website and first month, we will be posting two videos per week for everyone to share and use.

The videos will be in Arabic and we have included English and Spanish translations in our budget. 

Worte der Frauen der Ägyptischen Revolution

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